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Open Call: Culture Moves Europe offers mobility grants

By 08/05/2023September 23rd, 2023Current Opportunities, News
Culture Moves Europe Graphic

Culture Moves Europe – Individual Mobility of Artists + Cultural Professionals

Are you an artist or do you work in the field of culture and would like funding support to carry out a project in another country? Culture Moves Europe offers mobility grants to individual artists and cultural professionals willing to implement a project abroad and spread the culture vibes around Europe and beyond.

Have a look at their Culture Moves Europe webinar on YouTube to find out more about this funding. Artist Fionnuala Gygax talks about her funded mobility work and experience in Berlin.

End of month rolling call deadlines until May 2023
Link to further information available here.

What is the purpose of the funding?

  • The Individual Mobility Action of Culture Moves Europe provides financial support to partially fund the cost of travel such as transport and accommodation of an artist or a cultural professional residing in a Creative Europe country and going to another Creative Europe country to implement a project with an international partner either an organisation or individual.
  • The international partner (organisation or individual) is an associate that agrees to host the individual artist(s), guides them through their working environment and implements the project with them.
  • The eligible sectors comprise: architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, performing arts and visual arts.
  • Other rolling calls will open in autumn 2023 and autumn 2024.

Who can apply?

  • Individual artists and cultural professionals (A&CP) or groups of individuals (from 2 to 5 people) who are over 18.
  • From all educational qualifications and levels of experience.
  • From all cultural and creative sectors covered in the Culture Strand of the Creative Europe programme such as architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, performing arts and visual arts.
  • Culture Moves Europe promotes gender balance and inclusion of artists from minorities and underrepresented groups. The scheme offers specific support to artists and cultural professionals living with a disability.
  • The scheme should also be geographically balanced: accessible to those living in rural and remote areas, including overseas territories of the participating countries or countries where A&CP have less experience of international
  • It should also reach out to artists and cultural professionals who are marginalised or have family responsibilities.
  • In addition, special attention will be given to emerging artists and cultural professionals
  • Legally residing in a Creative Europe country (eligible countries including Overseas Countries and Territories and Outermost Regions of the European Union – Albania, Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
    Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukraine.
  • Applicants legally residing in Ukraine will exceptionally have the option to directly apply for a virtual mobility.

What will be funded?

  • The mobility scheme allows artists and cultural professionals to internationalise their activities and horizons by pursuing one of the following objectives:
  • Explore Europe’s rich cultural heritage to inform, direct or inspire their own creativity.
  • Co-create or co-develop art with artists and cultural professionals from other countries.
  • Learn and participate in non-formal learning.
  • Connect and develop or deepen international professional relationships.
  • Please note that the mobility scheme cannot be used purely to fund travel for artists to present their work in a professional setting (vernissage, exhibition, concert, performance).
  • The mobility conditions are the following:The mobility duration includes travel time and project implementation:
  • For single individual: the duration should be between 7 and 60 days.
  • For groups of individuals (2 to 5 people): the duration should be between 7 and 21 days.
  • The mobility must take place within one year, starting from the signature of the grant agreement.
  • The mobility must be uninterrupted.
  • The mobility must take place in a single destination (for exceptions, see Point 6: Exceptional Cases in the call document). Each applicant will be allowed to submit only one application as an individual or a group within the first rolling call, which runs from 10 October 2022 until 31 May 2023 at 23:59 CEST.

How much can you apply for?

  • See the call document for full details of grant calculations for individual mobility action.
  • The mobility grant includes:A.1.Travel costs from the place of residence to the place of destination. Culture Moves Europe aims at encouraging applicants to choose sustainable ways of travelling and to opt for slow travel. For people residing or willing to implement a project further than 5.001 km from their place of residence, the travel grant is adapted to contribute to the cost of this long distance travel.
  • A.2. Daily allowance (also called ‘per diem’) to contribute to the accommodation and subsistence.
  • B. Extra costs and top-ups are additional financial supports based on individual needs. The aim is to support inclusion of people from various backgrounds and profiles (including people from and going to Overseas Countries and Territories). and Outermost Regions, visas, disability, with children below the age of 10), as well as to promote more sustainable or slow travel.

How can you apply?

  • For full details of this call please refer to this website for current deadlines and guidelines.
  • You can download the updated (2nd Feb 2023) Culture Moves Europe call document here.
  • Apply on the Goethe-Institut application portal here. Please ensure that you follow the guidelines on the Culture Moves Europe portal when making your funding applications.
  • The Culture Moves Europe team is available to answer questions via culturemoveseurope@goethe.de or you can contact them if you have some general queries on this call.
  • Launch of call for applications: 10 October 2022 with monthly rolling evaluations. The first rolling call is open from 10 October 2022 to 31 May 2023, 23:59 CEST. During the rolling call period, a ‘cut-off’ date will be set on the last day of each month. All applications received during that month will be evaluated. The best applications will be selected for funding taking in consideration the overall budget available.
  • Evaluations Period – as of the beginning of February 2023, evaluations take five weeks approximately following cut-off dates. You can travel any time in the 12 months after you have signed your grant agreement. This means that you can depart immediately after the signature. However, it’s recommend that you apply at least three months before you would like to begin your mobility. During this period, applications are reviewed after the last day of each month. If you are selected, you will receive your grant approximately one and a half months later. You can travel any time in the 12 months after you have signed your grant agreement. This means that you can depart immediately after the signature. However, it’s recommended that you apply at least three months before you would like to begin your mobility.

Funding application cut-off dates 2022 and 2023:

  • 31 October 2022, 23:59 CEST
  • No cut-off date in November 2022
  • 31st December 2022, 23:59 CET
  • 31 January 2023, 23:59 CET
  • 28 February 2023, 23:59 CET
  • 31 March 2023, 23:59 CET
  • 30 April 2023, 23:59 CEST
  • 31 May 2023, 23:59 CEST
Apply Here!

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