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Bring it further

Artists, curators, Arts Administrators and other individuals wishing to invest in their career development can avail of a range of free and paid services from PhotoIreland.

PhotoIreland completed its first decade in existence demonstrating a healthy appetite for productivity, not just clocking time but making every year count. It can be said that with projects such as PhotoIreland Festival, HALFTONE print fair, New Irish WorksThe Library Project, the Critical Academy, and more recently OVER journal, our appetite is on the increase. It is not by chance that we are founding partners of two European Platforms of Photography, Futures and Parallel – the only Irish organisation to do so.

Now you can benefit from the knowledge and experience acquired by PhotoIreland, from its passion and ambition, and further your career. The services provided have been developed over the last years as part of Critical Academy‘s research. Get in touch with us and let’s make it happen!

List of services for individuals:
1-Professional Development Modules
One Hour Sessions
· General Consultation
· Critical Practice Review
· Award Consultation
· Covid Support
· Application Review

Four-Hour Modules
· Funding
· Publishing
· EU Projects
· Events
· Research
· Curatorial
· Business & Finance

2-Professional Development Programme
– Research & Project Development
– Practice Management & Self-Discipline
– Business Skills & Sustainability

3-Extended Support

Professional Development Modules

In addition to the Professional Development Programme, you can benefit from a series of modules that address very specific areas. These modules are delivered through online or in-person meetings at The Library Project, in one or four hour sessions, and they can be booked anytime throughout the year.

Warning Signs

Urgent Consultation

Have you been approached by an individual or organisation for an opportunity but you are concerned about the conditions offered and how to protect your rights? Get in touch and we will provide you with free support.

Call 087 6856169 – email

General Consultation

If you are interested in receiving general support on a project, publishing, exhibiting, networking, etc., book an inexpensive one-on-one consultancy session at €25 per hour. We will get in touch to arrange an ideal date and time.

Book your session →

Critical Practice Review

Critical Practice Review sessions are one hour critiques in which we converse, discuss, and advise on your practice and development. Reviewing your portfolio or practice documentation, we will provide guidance and support.

Book your session →

Award Consultation

To encourage more Irish applications to international book awards, we are offering limited free online sessions advising on concept, design, and production of your dummy and/or book presentations.

Book your session →

Application Review

Applying for funding, a residency, or a project? Send us your draft application to receive written feedback and suggestions for improvement. Our team is experienced in application-writing, with many successfully funded projects and bursaries.

Book an Application Review →


This four-hour module focuses on supporting your grant applications, as much as identifying standard and alternative funding sources in support of your specific needs. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Funding module →


From concept to edit, design, printing and to distribution, this four-hours module offers you our experience and knowledge in planning, budgeting, and promoting your printed project. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Publishing module →

EU Projects

If you are considering applying to any EU project, whether as an individual participant, or as a partner or leader, we can support your application with information and advice. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the EU Project module →


Intended to support individuals hosting any public or private Art event, this four-hour module sets the development plan and offers resources to successfully and safely deliver the event. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Events module →


This four-hour module is designed to contribute to your existing research about any particular subject, identifying ideal resources, or to define the core approach of a research process for you. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Research module →


This four-hour module is designed to support the curatorial process of your project, whether from an early idea stage, or at an advanced stage, identifying sources and proposing a set timeline. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Curatorial module →

Business & Finance

Acquire basic business and financial skills with this four-hour module. Enjoy a series of exercises and masterclasses on pricing, budgeting, everyday accountancy, invoicing, personal taxes, and more. Book the module online and we will get in touch to discuss.

Book the Business module →

Hosted at The Library Project and aimed at emerging artists and photographers, the Professional Development Programme Level 1 has been conceived to offer a comprehensive and wholesome upskilling process of professionalisation to selected artists. The programme runs over a period of 6 to 12 months adapting to each artist’s needs. After a first consultation assessment, meetings with a mentor are planned ahead according to each individual’s requirements, and aimed at specific identified areas that need development. Group sessions are planned throughout the calendar to contribute to an engaged and conversational progression. The outcome of the programme sees the artist enjoying a strengthened and confident practice, a solid national and international network, and the open prospects of the immediate opportunities generated.

The mentorship support focuses on three core areas of the artist’s practice:

  • Research & Project Development
  • Practice Management & Self-Discipline
  • Business Skills & Sustainability

Once completed, the mentorship programme could progress to Level 2, where the aim over 6 months will be the production of touring-ready materials, an exhibition at The Library Project, and the production of a publication under the TLP Editions banner.

Spaces are limited to 2 to 4 artists per year and both levels receive an official document in acknowledgement on completion. The participants must be committed to maximise the mentorship and to actively engage with their practice through the proposed programme.

Note: Bookings for the Professional Development Programme are ongoing.

If you are interested in the programme, or want to assert whether you should apply to it, please contact us at

Applications to the programme are ongoing throughout the year until spaces fill up. To apply, the artist needs to provide the following information for Level 1:

  • Bio, CV and artist statement
  • Description of current projects
  • List of areas desired to improve

In addition, for Level 2:

  • An exhibition proposal

The fee for each of the levels is €2400 (excl. 23% VAT) and can be paid online after your application is selected.

What past participants say

“Taking part in the Professional Development programme at Photo Ireland helped to shape the future of my practice and gave me the confidence to take a leap. It’s a great programme that I would recommend to anyone with an interest in developing their practice at any stage of their journey.” Alec Moore, Artist

“Participating on the PDP was the most beneficial action I have taken for my practice. Having been away from my practice for a few years due to becoming a mother and other life demands I was very isolated and unsure what direction or steps I needed to take to progress my career. We covered everything from writing my artist statement, developing my research skills, applying for funding, technical support, as well as design and book production guidance which resulted in a published Photobook. Through the process, my confidence grew, my skills developed and my output increased. Since the programme, I have received funding awards from the Arts Council of Ireland, my work is published in books, journals and online magazine publications as well as exhibited at shows and festivals. I would highly recommend this program to any emerging artist working with photography, the support and opportunities offered far exceeded my expectations and I am eternally grateful for the experience.” Emma O’Brien, Artist


If you are looking for long term support in any of the areas mentioned above, want to request help to deal with other specific issues or projects, or want to hire our services, get in touch and we will answer your request promptly.

Get in touch →