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Photobook Launch:

Young Dubliners by Daragh Soden

1.30pm Saturday June 15th at The Library Project



Announcing Irish Talents 2024 Full details →


PhotoIreland 2023: A Year in Review

PhotoIreland closed 2023 having completed successfully
a series of projects planned in Ireland and abroad.


PhotoIreland launches a new website for OVER Journal


Creative Europe - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

Arts Council of Ireland Festival - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

Parallel Platform - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

Arts Council Visual Arts - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

Dublin City Council and Dublin City Arts Office - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

The Office of Public Works (OPW) - Photography Ireland - Ireland Photography

PhotoIreland provides a unique Support Framework focused on artists, the artform and audiences.


TLP Editions 2022
Current Opportunities

Call for proposals: TLP Editions 2024

Deadline: midnight Friday 3 May 2024
PhotoIreland Wiki
Current Opportunities

Call for PhotoIreland Wiki: review and update your details!

Take the time this month to check the resource and…
Culture Moves Europe Graphic
Current Opportunities

Open Call: Culture Moves Europe offers mobility grants

Culture Moves Europe - Individual Mobility of Artists + Cultural…
Current Opportunities

OVER Journal Opens Triple Call

The editorial team and peer review panel of OVER Journal,…
Current Opportunities
New services in support of individuals
Current Opportunities
Selling your work at The Library Project
Critical Academy
PhotoIreland Wiki: Stand up and be counted!
Current Opportunities
Become our Patron

Check the opportunities page every now and then, browse through the services offered, and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.

Photography Ireland

Photography Ireland: With a history that began in the early 19th century well before the introduction of the daguerreotype process, Photography in Ireland has a rich and diverse history, rapidly gained popularity, with studios and photographers sprouting across the country. Photography in Ireland continued to evolve over the years, embracing new technologies and artistic ideas. Today, photography in Ireland thrives in the digital age, with photographers engaging with their contemporary context an its rich photographic heritage. Photography remains a powerful medium for storytelling and critical thinking and PhotoIreland works through a variety of projects to enhance Photography in Ireland and internationally. You can find out more by subscribing to our infrequent but poignant newsletter.

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PhotoIreland Festival is a critically important mediator for new photography practices and a large core audience. The programme’s accessibility, diversity, dissemination, and resourcefulness are key strengths.”

–The Arts Council of Ireland


PhotoIreland provides a unique support framework focused on artists, the artform and audiences.

PhotoIreland grows the reputation of Irish artists globally through a 360 degree support system and platform for contemporary photography, activated through a diversity of projects. These include events such as PhotoIreland Festival and Halftone print fair amongst others; resources such as the PhotoIreland Collection, a specialised research library of photobooks, and Ireland’s Art BookshopThe Library Project; via publishing with projects such as OVER Journal and TLP Editions; professional development support through networking and consultancy opportunities; and empowering early and mid-career photographers via our international partnerships, most relevantly through Creative Europe co-funded platforms such as FUTURES and Parallel.

PhotoIreland Support System

Professional Development