7pm Thursday 20 March 2014
At The Library Project
4 Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Ireland.
On the 20th of March, join Hunt & Gather in the curious adventure of trying to catch the white whale of Hollywood..…Bill Murray! Can anyone deny what a badass Bill Murray is!? From singing karaoke with complete strangers, to hijacking random dodge ball games, to jumping in behind a bar and deciding only to serve tequila. He is awesome!
So this year in conjunction with OFFSET 2014 we wanted to try and capture the man with no manager, who has only a hotline number to contact him (which we still can’t find) in an evening where we can tip our hats to the gentleman himself.
Submit Your Work
This is a print exhibition so we will need you, illustrators, designers, visual artists and screen printers! (Or even anyone who wants to try a hand at it!) All prints will be made to order on the evening of the show. In exchange we promise that we will endeavor to get Bill himself to come to the opening on the 20th. We’ll be scouring the internet and ringing those hot line numbers….some are less savory than others! But we will try our darndest to capture the white whale! Can you?!
Just to add to your evening of art merriment there is another pop-culture exhibition taking place in Hendrons Collider. And it’s all dedicated to the Simpsons! Boom! Check out the page for details….we’ll be heading there after!
Please get your Bill Murray submission into us before the 17th of March, all prints will be A3, we will print all works on behalf of the artists. Please email us at hunt.to.gather@gmail.com with high res images of your submissions we will be confirming all successful exhibitors by the 17th of March at the latest. Looking forward to seeing your work!*