Running 10–24 Dec 2020
At The Library Project
Full audio experience 12-1pm and 5-6pm daily
Please note: headphones available to use outside of these hours. We are following health and safety precautions – headphones and all surfaces are disinfected throughout the day and after each use.
At The Library Project
Full audio experience 12-1pm and 5-6pm daily
Please note: headphones available to use outside of these hours. We are following health and safety precautions – headphones and all surfaces are disinfected throughout the day and after each use.
The Library Project presents an installation by composer Rory Pierce entitled RAZE looking at the destruction and erosion along the edges of the Amazon rainforest.
Observed through the lens of Google Earth, the shapes of ruination – from logging roads to logging settlements, cleared areas and dead zones to new agricultural regions – expose, with their worrying and fascinating patterns, the helplessness of the retreating forest in the face of advancing annihilation. Engaging with the widely available digital documentation of such rapid loss, Pierce investigates this interface musically and visually. He provides a reflection on the act of razing the forest that manifests in carefully composed and produced sounds alongside selected images.
RAZE is part of Pierce’s on-going approach to nature which he calls “re-imbuing”, and which is present in his latest album Us, Listening To A River In The Trees, now available in Bandcamp.
This music finds inspiration in the act of re-kindling a poetic reverential relationship with nature, re-acknowledging its beauty, and re-conferring its meaning. It draws inspiration from our wild, sacred places.
Find out more about Rory Pierce at rorypiercemusic.com
Kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.