A jury of 23 professionals reviewed over the last two weeks the photographic works submitted to PhotoIreland’s project New Irish Works. The process informed us of many new interesting artists and projects, and we hope to have the chance to promote many of them in the near future. But meanwhile, the 20 artists/projects selected, in alphabetical order by name, are
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, The Passenger, 2015/16.
Aisling McCoy, The Radiant City, 2015.
Caitriona Dunnett, Mass Paths, 2013/16.
Dara McGrath, Project Cleansweep, 2015.
Daragh Soden, Young Dubliners, 2014 to date.
David Thomas Smith, Arecibo, 2013.
Eanna de Freine, Tales from Beneath the Arches, 2015.
Emer Gillespie, Fallen Woman, 2014/16.
Enda Bowe, At Mirrored River, 2016.
Jan McCullough, Home Instruction Manual, 2014/15.
Jill Quigley, Cottages of Quigley’s Point, 2013/14.
Kate Nolan, Lacuna, 2015/16.
Mandy O’Neill, Promise, 2013/16.
Matthew Thompson, Herman Wallace, 2012/15.
Miriam O’ Connor, Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen, 2013 to date.
Noel Bowler, Union, 2015/16.
Robert McCormack, Facade, 2015 to date.
Roseanne Lynch, Eloquent Proof, 2015/16.
Shane Lynam, Inner Field, 2012/16.
Yvette Monahan, The Thousand Year Old Boy, 2015.
Congratulations to the selected artists, and thanks to everyone who submitted. New Irish Works will be launched on June 30th, during PhotoIreland Festival 2o16.
Once again, the jury who selected these works were:
Alejandro Castellote, Director, MA in Contemporary Photography, Centro de la Imagen, Lima, PE
Ángel Luis González Fernández, Director of PhotoIreland.
Ângela Ferreira, Artistic Director, Encontros Da Imagem, Braga, PT.
Azu Nwagbogu, Director, LagosPhoto Festival, lagos, NG.
Claire Monneraye, Curator of Exhibitions, International & Satellite Projects, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney, AU.
Clara de Tezanos, Co-founder, La Fototeca, Guatemala City, GU.
Elsa Modin, Librarian, Hasselblad Foundation Library, Gothenburg, SE.
Heidi Romano, Director & Founder, Photobook Melbourne, Melbourne, AU.
Jenny Lindhe, Photographer, Curator & Publisher, Breadfield Gallery, Malmö, SE.
Jörg Colberg, Founder & Editor, Conscientious Magazine, Northampton, US.
Karen McQuaid, Curator, The Photographers Gallery, London, UK.
Kim Knoppers, Curator, FOAM, Amsterdam, NL
Lars Boering, Managing Director, World Press Photo, Amsterdam, NL.
Louise Clements, Artistic Director of QUAD & FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby, UK.
Maira Dudareva, Head of Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, LV.
María García Yelo, Director, PhotoEspaña, Madrid, ES.
Martino Marangoni, Founder & President, Studio Marangoni, Florence, IT.
Miranda Driscoll, Artistic Director, Sirius Arts Centre, Cork, IE.
Moritz Neumüller, Chair of the Board & Curatorial Advisor, PhotoIreland.
Peggy Sue Amison, Artistic Director, East Wing, Dubai, AE.
Seán Kissane, Curator of Exhibitions, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IE.
Stacey Baker, Photo Editor, The New York Times Magazine, New York, US
Yumi Goto, Curator, Reminders Photography Stronghold, Tokyo, JP.