Let’s celebrate together the contribution that bookshops make to Irish culture during the 3rd Irish Book Week at The Library Project, running from 17th to 24th October. All our customers this week enjoy a number of offers, discounts, and special bundles.
Remember, we ship internationally, so our Irish Book Week offers are a great opportunity to stock up for yourself or get ahead on the gift buying this year.
A Sweet 20% Discount
From now until the 24th October, use the discount code IrishBookWeek in our online store to avail of a 20% discount on all full price books. The discount will be automatically applied at the till if purchasing at the Temple Bar store, if Covid restrictions allow. Note that the discount does not apply to current sale items, but to the other hundreds of great publications.
Bag this Offer!
In addition to the 20% discount, every purchase over €40 (shipping costs not included) will be served with a handy Books Are My Bag tote and a selection of postcards from the 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland series.
Book Bundles do the work for you
Can’t decide what to get for yourself or someone loved, but have a budget or taste in mind? Don’t stress, let us do the choosing for you – browse the themed Book Bundles containing carefully selected materials, at a considerable discount. The book bundles change regularly and there are one of each only, so grab them while you can!
But wait, there is more!
Every purchase this October, no matter how big or small, in-store or online, is automatically entered into a draw. We will pick three names at random, at the end of the month, to win a PhotoIreland goody bag that contains:
- OVER Journal issue 1
- 3 TLP Editions
- 5 postcards from 100 Views of Contemporary Ireland
- The gorgeous and strong OVER tote bag