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Bring it further.

Artists, curators, Arts Administrators and other individuals wishing to invest in their career development can avail of a range of free and paid for services from PhotoIreland.

Having completed the first years in existence demonstrating a healthy appetite for productivity, it made every year count. We can say that with projects such as PhotoIreland Festival, HALFTONE print fair, New Irish WorksThe Library Project, the Critical Academy, and more recently OVER journal, it is not by chance that we were invited to be founding members of two European Platforms of Photography, Futures and Parallel – the only Irish organisation to do so.

Now you can benefit from the knowledge and experience acquired by PhotoIreland, from its passion and ambition, and further your career. The programme of the services provided has been developed over the last years as part of Critical Academy‘s research. Get in touch with us and let’s make it happen!


Project Development




European Union Projects