RELAY: Mentorship Programme
Started: March 2023.
What: RELAY is a mentorship programme facilitated by a different mentor each year, responding to the focus of the PhotoIreland Festival in each edition.
When: Running over a period of three months, and to present the resulting output during PhotoIreland Festival. The 2023 RELAY artists developed work in April-May-June and presented their output in July at the 14th iteration of the PhotoIreland Festival.
Where: At The Digital Hub and other locations.
Why: It aims to support the development of artists while encouraging multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches.
RELAY is a new artist-driven and artist-focused mentorship programme by PhotoIreland facilitated every year by a different mentor; responding to the focus of the PhotoIreland Festival in each edition, it aims to support the development of artists while encouraging multidisciplinary approaches and critical engagement with representation, identity and the image. RELAY provides an artist fee, working space, peer critique, as much as curatorial and administrative support throughout the programme.
The participating artists are taken full circle through the preparation, installation, and presentation of a new piece of work, in turn learning core skills of an artist’s work, including practical and conceptual strategies, as well as expanding their own peer network.
The selected artists in 2023 were Daranijoh Sanni (E The Artist), Samantha Brown, and Tobi Balogu with the close guidance of artist Alice Rekab.
RELAY is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland, Dublin City Council, and The Digital Hub.