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Open Call: Travel grant programme for international curators

By 28/03/2022May 5th, 2022News, PhotoIreland Festival

PhotoIreland opens a call for international curators and any other art professionals interested in joining the Professional Weekend in Dublin, 15-17 July, as part of PhotoIreland Festival 2022.


The 13th edition of the festival programme provides a two-month long overview of contemporary practices from the island with a survey exhibition ‘On the History and Practice of Photography in Ireland’; it brings together the largest and most meaningful representation of the discipline ever brought to the public, and it includes many artworks from private and national collections. 

The programme provides in addition a wealth of resources for researchers and practitioners to expand their understanding, from an exhibition on the Irish photobook to a comprehensive overview of historical data, and a series of conferences throughout July and August.

In this context, the Professional Weekend represents a unique opportunity to acquire a substantial understanding of the Irish context beyond the well known practices.

The travel grant is aimed at curators and any other art professionals wishing to enjoy a substantial programme of events over three days, 15th to 17th July, that will include site and studio visits, networking opportunities with artists and art professionals, private tours and presentations, and collective leisure activities.

The visiting professional is expected to commit fully to the programme, parts of which may be customised for each grantee.

The grant is open to emerging, mid-career or established participants based outside of Ireland. Applicants must demonstrate clearly a commitment to a research or curatorial practice and how they may benefit from their participation. 

The grant covers return flights and accommodation for up to 3 nights in Dublin in addition to administrative support, including any visa related paperwork – but not visa related expenses.

How to Apply

Prepare a succinct PDF with:

  • A short Bio and a portrait image
  • Your most recent work or selected highlights 
  • A short letter of motivation, 200 to 400 words, defining why you wish to receive the grant.
  • Detailed contact information, including where you are currently based.

Once collated, please email the PDF to

If you are applying as a representative of an organisation, treat the above from the perspective of the organisation as much as your personal practice.

Deadline to submit: 6pm Irish Time 29th April
We don’t extend deadlines.