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Connecting Generations – DCU ILP

By 11/05/2014News





19 May – 1 JuneDCU_logo_smallAshokaUblock_smallPhotoWings-Logo-Transparent small
Opening Thursday 22 May 6pm


The Intergenerational Learning Programme in DCU were awarded an Ashoka/Photowings Insight grant in October 2013 for a photography- based project. The ILP submitted a project on the theme of “past, present and future self through photography”, and were one of the 9 projects selected worldwide.

Older and younger people met to discuss their photo albums, sharing the photos which were most meaningful to them. They chose a pair of photographs, one from each album, and wrote a short story about them.

A competition of new photographs was also part of this project, on the theme of “your age”, and was open to students, staff, ILP participants and older people in the community. The photographs submitted represented the photographers at their current age, and could include portraits, landscapes, objects. . The competition was judged by a jury of professional photographers.

The exhibition represents all photographs entered in the competition, and a selection of shared photographs from their blog.

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DCU ILP website »                                                          Insight Project Blog »


Video about the ILP photography project from