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Stag & Deer: Call for Submissions

By 07/04/2011News

Stag & Deer are looking for photographers whose work has an interest in the home/domestic setting. We are looking for work that is a meditation on home life and what that may be. The work will be included in a group show entitled “Home” which will be part of the PhotoIreland Festival happening in Dublin during July 2011.

The theme for “Home” is built around the domestic and the structure of life within a home; the physical nature of the interior and exterior, human interactions and relations, memories, possessions, etc. Home is many things, banal and everyday but always of the utmost importance. We all experience moments within our individual contexts of home or family, but do not necessarily share them beyond the physical construct of our own household setting.

There is an unspoken curiosity to see how others have these moments.  We are all guilty of taking glimspes through windows to see how others live.  What is this compulsion? Is this curiosity just plain nosiness or is it something more? Is it a desire to validate our own existence, to elicit self-reflection? What are we looking for when we glimpse through into another’s life?

If you are interested in submitting for “Home” then please send 6 examples of work (No larger than 450k), a brief description of the work and a small biography to staganddeer AT

Please note that the deadline for submissions is Wednesday 20th of April.

About Stag & Deer

Stag & Deer is an exhibition-making project giving contemporary art space to exhibit work. We deal chiefly with the medium of photography. Our goal is to showcase, bolster and support emerging contemporary art. For more info please visit our website at